Craig Mezrow MS, MD, FACS

Spider Vein Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is for the treatment of spider veins (telangiectasias), small superficial purple-red blood vessels most commonly found in clusters on the thighs and legs. Spider veins are usually inherited, and while most commonly found on the thigh or lower leg, can form virtually anywhere on the body, including the face Sclerotherapy has proven to be a very popular non surgical cosmetic procedure.


How is the procedure done?

A sclerosing solution is injected into the spider veins with a tiny needle. The solution causes the vein to turn white (blanch), and then become red and appear inflamed. A typical treatment takes approximately 30 minutes to an hour depending on the number of areas treated. During the treatment, which requires no anesthesia you will typically have a tolerable burning discomfort.

A single treatment session successfully removes approximately 50-70% of the spider veins treated. Generally, additional sessions are required for optimal results.

When can I return to work?

Following treatment, you can resume work immediately without downtime but strenuous, vigorous activities including exercise should be avoided for a few days.

What happens after the procedure? 

After your treatment, it is recommended to wear heavy-duty stockings to optimize your results and reduce bruising. Treated spider veins will occasionally become hard from small clots forming and or skin color changes can occur. In very rare instances, a skin sore can occur at the treated region. If this occurs you should notify Dr. Mezrow so he can assess you and advise you for best healing.

If you have an underlying problem (venous insufficiency) with deep venous system the veins will recur.


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How long is the healing process?

During healing you may experience some mild, periodic discomfort and swelling, such feelings are normal. Severe pain should be reported to Dr. Mezrow.